Featured Image By: Rebecca McKenzie
Author: Ashley Hemmings
The first project for our Winter 2020 BioArt class was a microscopy project. Students were encouraged to use hand-held microscopes and other magnifying devices to explore living and deceased lifeforms, and create an artwork based on what they saw. Below is a selection of student work from this project.
Our featured image is by Rebecca McKenzie, who viewed a number of different types of meat under the microscope and then created a space scene using the images of the microscope meat as the planets, and the animals themselves as space explorers.
Image By: Julianna Zielinski
Image By: Julianna Zielinski
Julianna Zielinski used the handheld microscopes to view different types of leaves and plant matter, she then photographed what she saw and photoshopped the microscopic images into the windows of busses and large apartment buildings.
Image By: Brigid Burke
Brigid Burke worked with microscopic images of salmon and shrimp flesh, then surrounded the photographs of her microscopic images with digital drawings of the creatures she had analyzed to create this tryptic.
Image By: Dan Woods
Dan Woods took a microscopic image of a fly into photoshop to create this psuedo album cover.
Photograph By: Alyssa Sweeny
Photograph By: Alyssa Sweeny
Alyssa Sweeny
Photograph By: Alyssa Sweeny
Photograph By: Alyssa Sweeny
Photograph By: Alyssa Sweeny
Alyssa Sweeney created a super macro camera by duct taping multiple macro lenses together in order to take very clear detailed up close photographs of human and non-human specimens.