BioArt MFA

Join INCUBATOR Lab as an MFA Student specializing in BioART

School of Creative Arts, University of Windsor, CANADA

The MASTER OF FINE ARTS IN VISUAL ARTS at the University of Windsor is a two-year program geared towards creative exploration, experimentation and the development of a sustainable artistic practice. We encourage a multi-disciplinary approach to art that enables students to experiment with a variety of media and methods to discovers those best suited to realizing their creative projects. Recently student projects have ranged from video installation, audio responsive installation, performance, social practice, bioart and urban intervention.

We are always seeking new incoming MFA students (Canadian or International) interested in pursuing an MFA with an emphasis on bioart. The ideal candidates will have prior interest working at the intersection of art and science. This will be evident in their portfolio and artist statement. However, it is not necessary that all applicants have previous hands-on laboratory experience.

Inquiries to Jennifer Willet:


INCUBATOR Lab is an art/science laboratory at The University of Windsor. Founded in 2009, it functions both as an apparatus in which environmental conditions can be controlled towards the assisted proliferation of life, but also as a site that supports the proliferation of new ideas – new artistic practices.