
Project List

Heibert, Ted. Edt, Naturally Postnatural—Catalyst: Jennifer Willet (forthcoming)
Seattle: Noxious Sector Press, 2017. Including contributions by: Iain Baxter& and Adam Lauder (CAN), Warren Cariou (CAN), George Gessert (USA), Christian Kuras (UK), Marta de Menezes (PL), Natasha Myers (CAN), Kira O’Reilly (FIN), Melentie Pandilovski (AUS), Paul Vanouse (USA), Amanda White & Alana bartol (CAN), Robert Zwijnenberg (NL).
2Editorial Projects
J.Willet, Guest Editor, Introduction: Biomobilities Issue
Wi: Journal of Mobile Media, Vol. 9 No. 1,
Mobile Digital Commons Network (MDCN), Montreal and Toronto, 2015.

Graduate Researcher: Journal for the Arts Science and Technology
Special Issue: Selections from the 2nd R/évolution Conference Volume 1 – No. 2 – 2003
Co-Editor with Candis Steenbergen and Jason Morgan
ISSN 1708-0274

3Essay Publications
J.Willet, Baroque Biology (Paper Theatre) Artists’ Portfolio in Microbial Ecologies, Antennae: Journal of Art and Nature. Edts. Ken Renaldo and Giovanni Aloi, 2023

J.Willet, BIOLOVE: Designing Hybrid Laboratories for Creative Research at INCUBATOR Art Lab, In Biodesigned Online Journal, in collaboration with “Arts Imagining Communities to Come,” Guayaquil, Ecuador. Cumulus Association February 2023.

J.Willet, Biotechnology is a Technology of Love. In Biodesigned Online Journal, February 2022.

J.Willet, Feasting the Lab and Other projects: Art and science that skirts the limits of institutional frameworks. In The Routledge Handbook of Art, Science, and Technology Studies, Edts. H. Rogers, M. Halpern, K. de Ridder- Vignone, D. Hannah, NY: Routledge, December 2021.
Feasting the Lab and Other projects: Art and science that skirts the limits of institutional frameworks PDF

J.Willet, INCUBATOR Art Lab: Re-Imagining Biotech Futures through Integrated Laboratory Practices. “Probing the System: Feminist Complications of Automated Technologies, Flows & Practices of Everyday Life” a special issue of Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience, Edts. P.Gardner, S. Kember. October 2021.

J.Willet, I INCUBATOR Lab: Where Artists Collaborate with Life Public Journal 59: Interspecies Communication. Edts; Meredith Tromble and Patricia Olynyk, published by Public Access, Toronto, Ontario, Summer 2019, pp 46-55.
INCUBATOR Lab: Where Artists Collaborate with Life PDF

J.Willet, INCUBATOR Art Lab: Re-imagining Biotech Species as Co-Producing our Shared Ecology Artnodes 20: E-Journal on Art, Science and Technology, 2017.

J.Willet, BioARTCAMP: Trekking the Lab into the Field In “Biomobilities” Special Issue, J.Willet Edt. Wi: Journal of Mobile Media, Vol. 9 No. 1, Mobile Digital Commons Network (MDCN), Montreal and Toronto, 2015.

J.Willet, Bioart: Collaborating with Life Exhibition Catalogue Essay
Karsh-Masson Gallery, Ottawa, Ontario, 2015.

J.Willet, Performing Biotechnology: Reimagining inter-artist/interspecies interrelations in the laboratory with Kira O’Reilly. E-Misférica 10.1 BIO/ZOO
Hemispheric Institute, NYU, USA, 2012.

J.Willet & S.Bailey BIOTEKNICA: Bioéthique et culture de tissus humains : étude de cas (French Trans.) within Bioart : Transformations du vivant, Ernestine Daubner and Louise Poissant edts. Les Presses de l’Université du Québec, Québec, 2012.

J.Willet, BIOPLAY: Bacteria Cultures
within Human Futures: Art in the Age of Uncertainty, Andy Miah Edt. FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) Liverpool, UK, 2008.

J.Willet & S.Bailey, BIOTEKNICA: Teratogenic Strategies for Critical BioArt Production, in MutaMorphosis: Challenging Arts and Science. CIANT, Prague, Czech Republic, 2008.

J.Willet & S.Bailey, BIOTEKNICA
CAPSULA, Barcelona, Spain, 2007.

J.Willet, Why BioArt? Towards Redefining the Specialist
CAPSULA, Barcelona, Spain, 2007.

J.Willet & S.Bailey, BIOTEKNICA: Teratologies
Aminima no. 19 Barcelona, Spain, 2007.

J.Willet, Bodies in Biotechnology
Leonardo Electronic Almanac, special issue “Wild Nature and the Digital Life” Dene Grigar, edt. Vol 14, Issue 8, MIT Press, 2006.

J.Willet & S.Bailey, BIOTEKNICA: Organic Tissue Prototypes The State of the Real: Aesthetics in the Digital Age, I. B. Tauris, 2006.

J.Willet & S.Bailey, BIOTEKNICA: Soft Experiments from the Laboratory proceedings: New Constellations: Art, Science, and Society, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia, 2006.

S.Bailey & J.Willet, BIOTEKNICA: Self-Experimentation and Tissue Culture (French trans.) in “L’art biotech à vif face au post-humain” INTER Art Actuel; Montreal, 2006.

J.Willet, Kathy High – Embracing Animal (English, and French trans.) 2005
In Magazine électronique du CIAC, no 23 October 2005

J.Willet, The Artist as Terrorist: Tagny Duff – A Retrospective 2005
In PDoCA Public Domain of Contemporary Art an on line and artist book publication, open source artist history project,

J.Willet & S.Bailey, BIOTEKNICA: Reflections on Reproductive and Cloning Technologies 2003 In Graduate Researcher: Journal for the Arts Science and Technology Vol1 – No. 2 – 2003, ISSN 1708-0274

J.Willet, Imagining the Self 2002 Image/Text essay in Affective Encounters proceedings The University of Turku, Finland ISSN 0784-3933; ISBN 951-29-17XX-X

J.Willet, GUISE 2001
exhibition catalogue essay for Guise by Diyan Achjadi
Published by Articule Artist Run Centre Montréal, Québec
ISBN: 2-920306-29-4

J.Willet, (RE)Embodying Biotechnology: Towards the Democratization of Biotech Through Embodied Art Practices, Concordia University, 2009.
(RE)Embodying Biotechnology is a research/creation dissertation that serves to investigate the intersection of art and scientific practices in the biotechnological sphere. This work investigates the transformative potential of BioArt in producing complex embodied ethical engagement in public discourses surrounding biotechnology. Including: 239 pages + 3 Appendix + 1 DVD Video.
Principal Advisor: Dr. Kim Sawchuk, Communication Studies, Concordia University.