untitled (lab shoot series)
Kira O’Reilly and Jennifer Willet
Kira O’Reilly and Jennifer Willet have been in a creative dialogue since 2004 when they were both artists in residence at SymbioticA art and science research laboratory, University of Western Australia, but it is only in the last two years that they have approached making formal artistic outcomes from the dynamic convergences and indeed divergences of their individual practices. Both are concerned with the body in its mutable form as extended and radically refigured thought biotechnical discourses. Both have chosen performative tactics and photographic media as one of the was to approach this area, and are together developing photographic works by implicating their own bodies within the technoscientific actually of the laboratory as well as setting up speculative bodies and scenarios that touch on the mythological and the metamorphical as contemporary and vital tropes.
Kira O’Reilly Website: http://www.kiraoreilly.com/blog/
We are grateful for support from SSHRC Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and The Canada Council for the Arts, The Art and Genomics Centre, and The WAAG Society for this project.
Image Credits:
Kira O’Reilly and Jennifer Willet
Untitled (Hamster Ovaries Protocol) series
The Art and Genomics Centre, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Photo: Rune Peitersen
Kira O’Reilly and Jennifer Willet
Untitled (Pig Tales and Show Girls protocol) series
WAAG Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Photo: Bernd Bohm
Kira O’Reilly and Jennifer Willet
Untitled (Pig Tales and Show Girls protocol) series
Installation view at My Monster: Human-Animal Hybrid exhibition, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne Australia