
An Art/Science Workshop
Oct 21-28 2010, Concordia University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

In October 2010, a group of artists, scientists and students gathered at Concordia University in Montreal to engage with the concept of bioremediation as applied in media art and biological sciences. Through discussion, workshops and the creation of working prototype designs we imagined and performed possibilities for bioremediating bodies across the nature-culture divide.

We asked questions such as: how might human-animal, plant, insect, bacterial and environmental bodies be reconfigured given new technological developments and practices of bioremediation? What dangers, suspicions, uncertainty and possibilities exist at the cross roads of new technological developments and conceptual understandings? Together we engaged in bio-hacking a blend of amateur DIY science, artistic exploration and scientific lab research - to think through such questions, while also developing and practicing modes of engagement with bioremediation.

Hosted by Fluxmedia in the Communication Studies Department at Concordia University, in partnership with INCUBATOR from the University of Windsor (Canada) participating researchers included: Stelarc, Senior Fellow at MARCS Laboratories, University of Western (Sydney, Australia) and Chair in Performance Art, School of Arts, Brunel University, Tagny Duff, Assistant Professor in Communication Studies and Director of Fluxmedia, Concordia, Dr. Jennifer Willet, Assistant Professor and Director of INCUBATOR: Hybrid Laboratory at the Intersection of Art, Science, and Ecology from the School of Visual Art, at the University of Windsor, Dr. Justin Powlowsky, Associate Professor in Biochemistry and Associate Dean, Concordia University, as well as researchers and students from Concordia University and The University of Windsor. Visitors and guest speakers included: David Kang from Emily Car University of Art and Design, Nicolas Reeves and David St. Onge, NXI GESTATIO.


Participants from INCUBATOR at The University of Windsor Include: Dr. Jennifer Willet, and students Tokio Webster, Amanda White, and Nasseme Albonaimi. We are grateful for support from SSHRC Social Science and Humanities Research Council and The University of Windsor for support of this project.

Image credits:
BioreMEDIAtion Workshop
Fluxmedia, Concordia University
Montreal Canada